Milan Fashion Week Missoni Spring/Summer 2020 -


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Hair Design by Lead Hairstylist Anthony Turner for Moroccanoil

INSPIRATION: Peter Lindberg“s Woman in the Nineties. „To bring out the best of Missoni’s collection, I wanted a woman with a modern, androgynous and romantic twist at the same time. The collection is so feminine, sexy and so „Missoni“ that the hair needed to be just the perfect complement.“ said lead stylist Anthony Turner.

For Men, Anthony Turner drew inspiration from the „sexy and cursed“ style of Serge Gainsbourg; crumpled and sensual with elements of rock n“ roll.

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Photo Credit for all images in this folder: Missoni Milan Fashion Week SS20
Hair by Anthony Turner for Moroccanoil
Photography: Matteo Cavalleri


For Women
– Prepare the hair with a small amount of Moroccanoil Treatment or Moroccanoil Treatment Light for finer tones – from mid-length to the ends to provide the perfect foundation for styling.
– Then, spray Moroccanoil Root Boost on strands, working them with your hands to give the hair additional texture during drying; rubbing and tangling them to give as much structure as possible.
– Apply Moroccanoil Hydrating Styling Cream all throughout of the hair for a shiny, silky and wet effect.
– Pull back sections of hair to get a French twist in a disheveled, unstructured and romantic way.
– Finally, to further emphasize the modern and luminous effect, spray an abundant amount of Moroccanoil Luminous Hairspray Strong to fix and enhance even more the shine of the hairstyle and, as a last trick, pulling out some strands for an even more casual effect.

For Men
– Prepare the hair with a small amount of Moroccanoil Treatment or Moroccanoil Treatment Light for finer tones – to make the hair uniform and vital.
– Then apply Moroccanoil Root Boost to the roots, to give body and structure.
– Work each strand individually with Moroccanoil 25 MM Ceramic Round Brush small especially in the final part, to add volume.
– Next, work the hair with Moroccanoil Texture Clay to give support and that unmistakable sexy „apres l’amour“ look.

Moroccanoil bietet innovative, leicht anwendbare und wirkungsvolle Produkte, die jeden Haartyp in natürlich schönes und gesundes Haar verwandeln. Als Erfinder und Pionier luxuriöser, mit Arganöl angereicherter Haarpflege-Produkte ist Moroccanoil zum Laufsteg-Hit unter Mode- und Beautyinsidern geworden. Bei Mode- und TV-Stylisten sowie deren hochkarätigen, prominenten Kunden hat die Marke Kultstatus. Vor acht Jahren gegründet sind die Moroccanoil Produkte mittlerweile in über 65 Ländern weltweit erhältlich. Das luxuriöse Hair Care Sortiment umfasst Produkte für jedes Haar und seine besonderen Bedürfnisse. Patentierte, innovative Inhaltsstoffe sorgen für fantastische Ergebnisse. Moroccanoil Produkte sind exklusiv in ausgewählten Salons erhältlich. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Für tägliche Updates und Einblicke hinter die Kulissen folgen Sie Moroccanoil auf Twitter, Instagram oder verfolgen Sie die Beautytutorials auf YouTube.

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Peter Sechehaye
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089 2727 2620

Bildquelle: @Matteo Cavalleri

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