So geht's weiter mit GRoW

Virginia is for (Cannabis) Lovers, State Implements Cannabis Legalization in The Most Rational Fashion

That sound you hear is cannabis professionals applauding Virginia’s approach to cannabis legalization. As each of the 50 states rolls out its own legalization...

Turning The Key on The Turnkey Home Grow Cabinet, “Get to Know The Armoire” Webinar Set for Wednesday, October 27, 6 pm

Boston, MA; New York City, NY; Los Angeles, CA; and Atlanta, GA, Oct 14, 2021 -- This free “Get to Know The Armoire” webinar...

Nachhaltige Nutzung der Wasserressourcen in Südafrika

Disy präsentierte das "Water Governance Support System" des Projekts iWaGSS auf der Abschlusskonferenz des BMBF
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